Wow, Winslow is really moving into the social media atmosphere!! We have a facebook account (Winslow Therapeutic Center), myspace (www.myspace.com/WinslowTherapeutic), you can follow us on twitter (@winslowhorse) and now a blog!!
Besides being busy online, we are busy at our center!
Schools groups are every day of the week (except Thursdays) from around 9:30 a.m - 12 noon. We are always in need of volunteers during those hours. We have a very dedicated group of volunteers during the mornings, but if any others could make it we would always appreciate it!
Afternoon lessons generally begin around 1 p.m. and continue into the evenings so if you get bored once you come home from school remember there is never a dull moment around here!!
We are also gearing up to start a program called Horses for Heroes! It is a NARHA recognized program where we will support our amazing veterans by providing them therapy with a horse. There are double amputee vets who have no legs and by being involved with this program, it's almost as if they will be able to walk again! We want to be able to provide these vets with a little bit of relaxation as well. They have been through some pretty stressful situations in the past years and now they will be able to experience the feeling of complete "om" where they don't worry about anything but themselves in that moment. Pretty powerful tool the horse is!
A lot of stuff to work on around here! Oh and we have our upcoming telethon on December 7th from 3 p.m. -8 p.m.!! If you have Warwick Valley Telephone (WVT) it's channel 12 and if you have Cablevision it's channel 78! We are also trying to have it streamed live on the internet! More about that hopefully soon!
Besides being busy online, we are busy at our center!
Schools groups are every day of the week (except Thursdays) from around 9:30 a.m - 12 noon. We are always in need of volunteers during those hours. We have a very dedicated group of volunteers during the mornings, but if any others could make it we would always appreciate it!
Afternoon lessons generally begin around 1 p.m. and continue into the evenings so if you get bored once you come home from school remember there is never a dull moment around here!!
We are also gearing up to start a program called Horses for Heroes! It is a NARHA recognized program where we will support our amazing veterans by providing them therapy with a horse. There are double amputee vets who have no legs and by being involved with this program, it's almost as if they will be able to walk again! We want to be able to provide these vets with a little bit of relaxation as well. They have been through some pretty stressful situations in the past years and now they will be able to experience the feeling of complete "om" where they don't worry about anything but themselves in that moment. Pretty powerful tool the horse is!
A lot of stuff to work on around here! Oh and we have our upcoming telethon on December 7th from 3 p.m. -8 p.m.!! If you have Warwick Valley Telephone (WVT) it's channel 12 and if you have Cablevision it's channel 78! We are also trying to have it streamed live on the internet! More about that hopefully soon!
nice job, lauren! :) i can follow the action from home with the babies now...makes me feel involved!
I am so pleased that Winslow
Therapeutic is a part of "THE BEAT"
(Heart Hoof Drum) which is about
the MUSIC Connection between with
Horses & People. I know they
will enjoy having "Dancing with
Horses" perform at their facility.
Hopefully in the future, a "Music
Drum Circle" can be done at
Winslow which is another example of
"THE BEAT" Thanks, Phil Waigand
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